There’s More to AI Bias Than Biased Data
Rooting out requires addressing human and systemic biases
“Context is everything,” said Schwartz, principal investigator for AI bias and one of the report’s authors. “AI systems do not operate in isolation. They help people make decisions that directly affect other people’s lives. If we are to develop trustworthy AI systems, we need to consider all the factors that can chip away at the public’s trust in AI. Many of these factors go beyond the technology itself to the impacts of the technology, and the comments we received from a wide range of people and organizations emphasized this point...To address these issues, the NIST authors make the case for a “socio-technical” approach to mitigating bias in AI. This approach involves a recognition that AI operates in a larger social context — and that purely technically based efforts to solve the problem of bias will come up short." (NIST, 16 March 2022)
Posted: March 21, 2022, 4:45 PM