A Utopian Model of Human-Technology Interaction
Peace as a foundation for system designs
"...More generally, as noted by Brossard (2019), cultivating social imagination and investing in cultural and social capital is important for initiating real-world implementations of utopian design. By combining the perspectives and creativity of youth stakeholders with the experience and expertise of designers and researchers, future utopian designers and innovators can advance the use of CI design methodologies to shape system designs. Indeed, deeper systems thinking focused on well-being may help to avoid what Segal (2017) describes as "techno-fixes"—short-term technological interventions which address symptoms of underlying causes, but do little to create noticeable improvements in society. We need to embrace collective intelligence and utopian system design thinking going forward—the new generation is ready." (PT, 27 April 22)
Posted: May 8, 2022, 10:21 AM